Update: Horizon Protocol UI V2 Beta - Fixes and Enhancements. Hey, HZNation.

09 Aug 2023, 00:36
🛠 Update: Horizon Protocol UI V2 Beta - Fixes and Enhancements 🛠 👋Hey, HZNation! 💪We're excited to share with you the latest updates and fixes that we've implemented in our UI V2 Beta since its initial release. We've addressed your feedback and made enhancements to improve your experience with our platform. Let's dive in and explore the recent improvements that make navigating Horizon Protocol UI V2 Beta an even smoother and more rewarding experience! Navigation: 🔹 Fixed some help links redirecting to incorrect articles. 🔹 Improved navigation experience by jumping to the top after changing pages. Mobile: 🔸 Fixed display issues for the Account page. 🔸 Improved display of the Stake page introduction slider. 🔸 Addressed footer navigation highlighting icons while on a page. 🔸 Fixed issues preventing users from Staking and Unstaking LPs. User Interface: ✔️ Streamlined the Dashboard by reducing the number of help articles. ✔️ Revamped the presentation of 'Explore Horizon Protocol' task cards, creating a more engaging experience. ✔️ Renamed "Active Pools" to "Earn Pools" in the Dashboard for clarity. ✔️ Fixed the Earned HZN ‘count up’ animation for Earn Pools. ✔️ Updated the total HZN Claimed value to display HZN value instead of USD value. ✔️ Correctly shows refreshed data after successful HZN claiming, staking, or unstaking LPs in Earn Pools. ✔️ Corrected the display of APY on the earn page for recently-ended pools. Functionality: Fixed compatibility with Trust Wallet. Fixed compatibility with Wallet Connect. Corrected wallet-related problems, ensuring accurate display of Portfolio value, performance, and debt history data. Addressed input errors during exchange trades, preventing unnecessary disruptions in transactions. Accurate calculation of Debt Share % in Account Summary on the Account page. Fixed authorization refresh after successful transactions. Escrow page now updates data correctly following successful vesting rewards. Ensured proper behavior of the Vesting loading indicator after successful rewards vesting. Eliminated the issue of endless loading of issued debt when no wallet is connected. Added the display of the next reward period on the Stake page and Dashboard staking summary card. Corrected mint and burn input issues, ensuring accurate balance displays. 💬Thank you for being an integral part of our journey. Our team is actively engaged in continuing these enhancements and introducing exciting new features to enrich your experience with Horizon Protocol UI V2 Beta. Your feedback is pivotal, so please continue sharing your thoughts and suggestions as we strive to create the best possible platform for you. Stay tuned for future updates!